15 January 2013

A New Year

I'm tutoring at Bloomfield again starting tomorrow!  I work two days now, so I'm happy about that.
I'm just a bit worried about the weather.  I think it's hailing now, but I don't want it to be all snowy and icy when I have to drive to work.  It's scary.
I'm still working on the introduction for the web series.  I did a test version, and I am waiting to hear what they thought of it so I can start working on fixing and editing it.  I sent it on Friday, so I hope they get back to me soon.

I had a wonderful Christmas with my family.  The food was soooo good.  And I got a Wii U from Santa!  That was so exciting.
Later my boyfriend surprised me by getting me a PS3!  All these new systems to play!  It's a bit overwhelming.  He's so great!  I'm looking forward to Ni No Kuni coming out!  I reserved the special edition months ago, even though I didn't have the system.  My boyfriend bought me the PS3 so I can play Ni No Kuni since I'm so excited about it (and so I dont have to play at his place).

At home I've been cleaning a lot.  Since I got all these new systems, my mom also got a new TV for the living room.  It looks really nice on the wall.  I've been organizing all my games and dvds into the cabinet, as well as all my book into my bookshelves.  I have a lot more to clean though.  Hopefully the tree will be ready to come down on Friday!

That's all for now!