16 September 2011

I Love You Bun Buns! ♡

Bun Buns the rabbit passed away today.  She was one of the best rabbits.  She was big, white, and fluffy.  She loved to eat her vegetables and hay.  Bun Buns rest in peace and I love you.

On other news, I have been working new hours at my job.  I work Tuesday nights now.  They my add another class as well soon, so that means more hours.

Borders is going out of business.  I spent so much money on books.  I got a book on Actionscript 3.0.  I'm going to try and learn it so I can make cool flashy things.

My boyfriend lent me his PSP so I could play Harvest Moon Hero of Leaf Valley.  I love it so far.  I finally got to summer today.  Hopefully I get my horse soon.

That's all for now.  I'll try and update more often, no guarantees though.