22 September 2013

Art of the Day - Lions' Gaze

First up is Lions' Gaze.  This is an acrylic painting I made in high school.  I used palette knifes and my fingers to paint it.  It was a lot of fun.  I really enjoy painting, I should paint more.

I Wish it Would End

Well, I guess stuff happened between now and the last post.
We picked out the bridesmaid dresses for the wedding.  It's a nice dress.  I have to get a size 8/10 though because my boobs are too big.
We decided to go with cowboy boots to wear with the dresses.  I still have to buy mine.

I've been crazy depressed lately.  I'm starting to just hate everything.

What else did I do over the summer?

I went to a BNL concert, a Bon Jovi concert, saw Cinderella on Broadway, saw Spiderman on Broadway.
There was a Bridal Shower and a Bachelor/Bachelorette party.
I went to the aquarium.
I just got back from Lancaster, PA.  That was fun.

Anyway, I'm going to start posting my old artwork.  One a day.  Until I have nothing left to share.  I'll have to make more then I guess.  First one is coming.